
Friday July 26th, 2024

"It Is Not A Question of Who Is Right Or Wrong But What Is Right Or Wrong That Counts."
--Geoff Metcalf
 Providing an on line Triage of the news since 1998
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World & Nation

Poll: 92 Percent Say Harris Complicit in Biden Health Cover-Up
                                   GOP congressman calls on Harris to ...

Ninety-two percent of Americans say they believe Vice President Kamala Harris knew about President Joe Biden's apparent failing health, a recent survey shows.

A YouGov/Times of London poll of 1,170 registered voters was conducted July 22 to 23 after Biden's announcement to end his reelection campaign. It had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.2 percentage points.

When asked, "to what extent, if at all," was Harris "involved in covering up Biden's health," 68% responded "a great deal," 17% "somewhat," 7% "a little," 4% "not at all," and 4% "not sure."

Seventy-eight percent of Republicans, 73% of independents, and 82% of self-identified conservatives polled said they believed the extent of Harris' involvement "in covering up Biden's health" to be "a great deal." Twenty-two percent of Democrats, 31% of self-identified liberals, and 57% of self-identified moderates agreed.

New Secret Service chief more ‘forthright,’ but questions remain on Trump shooting, senators say

                               What to know about new acting Secret ...

The acting director of the Secret Service is more forthcoming with information than his predecessor, senators investigating the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump said Thursday.

But lawmakers still have many questions about the security failures that led to the shooting attack on Mr. Trump at his July 13 rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, as the Senate prepares for its first public hearing on the matter next week.

The positive reviews for acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe followed a private classified briefing he gave members of the Senate Homeland Security and Judiciary committees.

The two committees are holding a joint hearing on Tuesday with Mr. Rowe and FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate.

Trains filled with Olympic athletes stopped after coordinated arson attacks

France’s rail network has been’paralysed’ by a series of co-ordinated arson attacks today, affecting nearly a million people travelling to the Olympic games.

Flames engulfed train tracks at ‘strategic points’ across the country this morning, just hours before the Olympic Opening Ceremony was due to kick off on the River Seine in Paris.

Around 800,000 travellers have been affected by the cancellations, including two German showjumpers set to take part in the opening ceremony who will now miss the event.

‘There was no longer a chance of making it on time,’ rider Philipp Weishaupt, who was travelling with teammate Christian Kukuk, told German news agency dpa.

Democrats renew push to expand Supreme Court

                                  5 facts about the Supreme Court | Pew ...

Democratic lawmakers called again this week to expand the Supreme Court, specifically to add four seats to the bench.

Sen. Edward J. Markey, Massachusetts Democrat, and Rep. Hank Johnson, Georgia Democrat, stood outside the Supreme Court Thursday and urged Congress to pass legislation that would expand the court. Their bill has been pending before lawmakers for more than a year without action.

The bill would bring the number of justices to 13.

That would let President Biden try to swing the majority to lean in Democrats’ favor, 7-6.

It’s the latest move by Democrats following the high court’s 2023-24 term where the justices ruled for former President Donald Trump in major legal battles.

Trump Camp Won't Commit to Harris Debate

The Trump campaign won't agree to a general election debate with Vice President Kamala Harris until she is the official Democrat nominee, reports The Hill.

"Given the continued political chaos surrounding Crooked Joe Biden and the Democrat Party, general election debate details cannot be finalized until Democrats formally decide on their nominee," Trump communications director Steven Cheung said in a statement.

Cheung said many in the Democratic Party view Kamala as "a Marxist fraud." He claimed the party is still "holding out for someone 'better,'" pointing to former President Barack Obama's failure to endorse her to date as evidence.

FBI Asks to Interview Trump About Assassination Attempt

The FBI wants to interview former President Donald Trump regarding the assassination attempt at the rally in Pennsylvania, according to multiple reports.

Interviewing Trump to get a victim statement would fall under standard procedure in an investigation, a U.S. official told CNN.

The New York Times also reported the FBI had requested to interview Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, as part of its broader investigation into the July 13 shooting in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Trump, Netanyahu to Meet at Mar-a-Lago

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will visit former President Donald Trump at Trump's Florida resort on Friday, a meeting that could ease recent tensions between leaders who forged a close alliance during Trump's years in the White House.

Netanyahu's visit to Trump, the Republican nominee in the 2024 U.S. presidential race, comes a day after meetings in Washington with Democrat President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, who is running against Trump.

The long-time Israeli leader rearranged the travel schedule for his U.S. visit to go to Florida for a session with Trump.

After 'Collegial' Meeting With Netanyahu, Israeli Officials Taken Aback by Harris' Statement

U.S. intel agencies blocked disclosure of spy balloon gear

The Biden administration went along with U.S. intelligence agencies that recommended against releasing details to the public of a Chinese surveillance balloon that transited the United States unimpeded in early 2023 before being shot down by an Air Force jet fighter over the South Carolina coast.

U.S. military divers recovered a large amount of intelligence-collection gear in an underwater salvage operation. But all information about the balloon is being kept secret, said White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan.

Mr. Sullivan said the administration decided to down the balloon over water rather than land to better gain access to the spying components. The downing by an air-to-air missile over the ocean allowed U.S. recovery divers “to take critical components off the ocean floor, look at the technology, look at the capabilities and learn from that,” Mr. Sullivan said.

                                           Phil Hands/Tribune Content Agency

Corporate America needs election integrity

An unprecedented election season is underway – not just the battle for the White House and Congress but also in corporate America. The season for annual meetings, with shareholder voting, is in full swing, and most Americans are unaware of how compromised these elections are.

Shareholders grapple with questions ranging from board members’ election to priorities for corporate goal-setting. The implications of these elections are consequential for domestic production, employment, retirement savings, and other issues foundational to the U.S. economy.

Before these meetings, many shareholders are issued guidance from third-party companies, such as Glass Lewis or Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS), with voting recommendations.

Too many Americans do not notice the corrupt influence of these companies on American free enterprise. ISS, a majority foreign-owned company, and Glass Lewis constitute 97% of the shareholder proxy advisory market. They work in concert, making activist recommendations for corporate votes, and never disclose their other clients. Their recommendations often prioritize short-term political objectives at the expense of sound governance and long-term corporate goals.

Democrats assault democracy in North Carolina

The left's voter suppression scheme

The next time Vice President Kamala Harris or her media allies claim that Republicans are “suppressing the vote” or a “threat to democracy,” one should immediately direct attention to Biden-Harris supporters’ ongoing assault on voting rights in North Carolina.

This year, three new political parties sought North Carolina ballot access: the Constitution Party, We the People and Justice for All. All three parties submitted their petitions with substantially more signatures than required in a timely fashion, meeting all statutory requirements for ballot access. Afraid that the Democrats would lose supporters to these new parties, the Biden-Harris team persuaded Democratic members of the North Carolina State Board of Elections to drag their feet on the certification of two of the parties, and on July 16, the board declined to certify the Justice for All party.

This voter suppression effort started with Democratic operatives filing what can only be called bad-faith challenges with the Board of Elections. First, the North Carolina Democratic Party sought to prevent third-party candidates from accessing the ballot by asserting that We the People and Justice for All were not legitimate parties. The allegation was that the parties attempted to circumvent requirements for unaffiliated candidate ballot access by using the less stringent standard for creating a new political party. The Democratic Party couldn’t and didn’t identify any statute that the parties violated.

From the Archive....

                 By Geoff Metcalf
                 July 29, 2002

            Two mutually exclusive and under reported stories have been troubling me.

               *   The apparent penchant for political operatives to leak classified information that jeopardizes national security.
               *   The generational control of information dissemination by powerful controllers.

            So we have another ‘Catch-22’.

            The complicity of the mainstream media to spin, cover, and obfuscate government abuse of power under the color of authority was not unique to the Clinton administration.  It may have been more ubiquitous, and at times even clumsy, but it was not unique.

            It has been reported that in June 1991 David Rockefeller allegedly told a Bilderberg meeting in Baden Baden German, "We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years." He went on to explain: "It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."

            Some argue that quote is apocryphal urban legend.  However, although I have never been able to find three corroborating independent sources for it, it IS consistent in content and tone with other Bilderberg quotes I HAVE been able to confirm.

            “If we had been subjected to the light of publicity….” Indicates the one world, globalist, wannabe controllers were/are successful in managing the message.

            Operation ‘Mockingbird’ was a program supposedly conceived by a brilliant Machiavellian State Department official, Frank Wisner.  Wisner selected Philip Graham, then publisher of the Washington Post to manage the program.  According to Deborah Davis, author of ‘Katharine the Great’, "By the early 1950s, Wisner 'owned' respected members of the New York Times, Newsweek, CBS and other communications vehicles, plus stringers, four to six hundred in all, according to a former CIA analyst."

            Over twenty five major newspapers and wire services became willing house organs for the CIA media manipulation.

            Investigators digging into MOCKINGBIRD have been flabbergasted to discover FOIA documents in which agents boast (in CIA office memos) of  pride in having placed "important assets" inside every major news publication in the country.

            I know, this is the stuff of Ludlum novels conspiracy wackos, but not until 1982 did the ‘Company’ finally concede that reporters on the CIA payroll have been case officers to field agents.

            I have too often observed, “Some people don’t like to be confused with facts that contradict their preconceived opinions.”  I have also noted (and struggle to maintain) “It is not WHO is right or wrong…but WHAT is right or wrong.”

            Anyone with almost ‘any’ military experience has no doubt seen the once ubiquitous posters cautioning “Loose Lips Sink Ships”.  It is a left over phrase from WWII and among “lessons learned”.

            In the complex world of intelligence loose lips can and have cost lives.

            Once upon a time, not so long ago, Senator Patrick Leahy (currently the Senate Judiciary committee’s lead obstructionist) used to be the Vice Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee in the mid 80s.  Leahy allegedly ‘inadvertently’ exposed a top-secret intercept of Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak that led to the capture of the Achille Lauro terrorists.  That supposed slip of the tongue “cost the life of at least one Egyptian operative.” http://www.newsmax.com/showinside.shtml?a=2001/1/31/85757

            Loose Lip Leahy was forced to resign in disgrace 14 years ago in the wake of having to acknowledge he leaked secret intelligence to the press.   However today he lords his power over the Senate Judiciary committee.  Congress’ institutional memory must be as short as some of Jennifer Flowers former paramours.

            In our contemporary environment in which whistleblowers have become in many cases heroes it is important to make the distinctions between the appropriateness of corporate and political whistleblowers and the idiot or miscreant who leaks information with genuine national security implications.

            Currently the FBI is investigating national security leaks from specifically the House and Senate Select Intelligence committees.  This is serious stuff.

            Defenders of the indefensible will argue it is a political witch-hunt by politicians in a heavy C.Y.A. mode.  That is not true but a convenient political spin job.

            Sure it is true the white house is p.o.-ed over media reports that the National Security Agency had received but not acted on two early warning messages to 9/11.  Dick Cheney reportedly went ballistic and ripped congressional leaders.  Both House and Senate Select Intelligence committees asked the Attorney General to conduct an investigation (and no doubt quietly prayed it would be botched).

            Justice said in a statement, “…the appropriate department officials will expeditiously review this matter and take any appropriate action.”  Not if congress has anything to say about it.  Don’t expect anything fast.  Remember Leahy resigned in disgrace 14 years ago and today has the chutzpah to pontificate ad nauseum to the Judiciary committee and stall any and all Bush judicial appointments.

            More on Operation Mockingbird http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/

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