Elf Sternberg is reported to have observed, "Eagles soar, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines."
So why does this line rekindle fears of Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, and other politicians who seem not only comfortable, but intent on ignoring their sworn duties in order to implement a new world socialist stew?
I have often noted early warning signs that emanate from California and or Europe. Some listeners/readers pooh-pooh those concerns and reply, "California is full of fruits and nuts. ... What they do doesn't affect me." Or "Europe is run by a bunch of inbred elitists who needed our fathers and grandfathers to save their butts in two world wars."
Wake up folks. Those absurd socialist New Age goo-goo programs percolating in the Golden State and from the European Union are important -- despite any perceived absurdity.
I recently stumbled across something I wrote here back in October of 1999. The Muses must have been smiling on me because the insight frankly exceeded my standard.
California recently passed some of the most draconian gun legislation in the country. One particularly onerous dollop of legislative excrement is so badly written that even the author is trying to mitigate it (and the governor signed it into law). The leftist state attorney general is salivating to implement the new restrictions. His enthusiasm for gun grabbing even caused him a recent premature articulation that required a temporary cancellation of his kneejerk order to implement the confusing, complex and excessive new restrictions. The Ninth Circuit Court (reportedly the most overturned court in the country) recently upheld the bad law. Reasonable legal scholars are praying for Supreme Court intervention, and pessimistic realists are moving to Texas.
Recent reports reveal that Britain is suffering an awkward reality-induced problem. Apparently the often-touted English strict gun prohibition has resulted in a significant increase in crime. Duh!
I have been screaming for over a decade that there are two axioms our illegitimate cousins in the mainstream refuse to acknowledge:
Christopher Ruby is reporting, "Prime Minister Tony Blair is now proposing that the government be allowed to confine people proactively, based on fears of their potential dangerousness."
Now before you slough off that report as "just Europe" consider the long list of the United States of America's abuse of power under the color of authority:
Let me remind you what that festering SOB (supporter of Bill) Strobe Talbott, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State in the Clinton administration said, "Nationhood as we know it will be obsolete, all states will recognize a single, global authority and National sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all. ..." This pretentious, petulant puddle of pus may actually believe that, but -- regardless of the overreaching of Cecil Rhodes' boys, and the complicity of Clinton/Blair -- it will not happen as an inertial fait accompli. There will be resistance.
I have long held the United Nations in utter contempt. I include thanks for every congressman who voted along with Charles Lindbergh's dad against the League of Nations as I pray for contemporary patriots to "preserve and protect the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic."
The cochairman of the U.N. Commission on Global Governance said, "The bedrock of every country's international relations must be the mission of using the United Nations system as the machinery for working and acting together."
Tom DeWeese recently wrote, "On October 1, 2000, the Department of Justice, under Janet Reno is scheduled to take control of military forces here in the United States of America." I warned about this in my April 10 column, "Reno's raiders"
DeWeese noted, "The Assembly will bring together the largest gathering of world leaders ever to meet under one roof. Their goal is to change the way governments operate. The U.N. will be established as the central operating entity. All governments will be redesigned to operate through the U.N. Independent sovereign states will essentially cease to exist. They will instead become 'partners' in global governance." That is their plan, and they are working the plan; however, there will be resistance.
Charlie Daniels is a remarkably insightful American philosopher/poet. I've opened my radio talk show with his "In America" for almost a decade. My audience never gets to hear a particularly poignant truism (I hope). The verse says, "We may have done a little bit of fighting amongst ourselves, but you outside people best leave us alone. Cause we'll all stick together and you can take that to the bank. That's the cowboys and the hippies and the rebels and the yanks. You just go and lay your hand on a Pittsburgh Steelers fan, and I think you're gonna finally understand."
Notwithstanding whatever your NFL allegiances may be, I hope you can see what he's saying, and I hope and pray that if or when the globalist would-be controllers make their move "we'll all stick together."
often say, "It's not who is right or wrong but what is right or wrong that
counts." Despite his socialist agenda, it was FDR who said, "We, too, born
to freedom, and believing in freedom, are willing to fight to maintain
freedom. We, and all others who believe as deeply as we do, would rather
die on our feet than live on our knees."