Long ago and far away, Euripides said, "Man's most valuable trait is a judicious sense of what not to believe." And he never heard of Bill Clinton, Janet Reno, or Chuck Schumer. ...
Defenders of the indefensible can't understand why so many of us don't trust our government to be honest, fair, or reasonable. Gee, it is well documented our president has repeatedly lied; our attorney general is either incompetent, or chin deep in multiple, major cover ups; Congress had displayed the strength of a cobweb in a tornado; and chronic violation of oaths has become standing operating procedure.
Twenty-nine members of Congress have been accused of spousal abuse, seven have been arrested for fraud, 19 have been accused of writing bad checks, 117 have bankrupted at least two businesses, three have been arrested for assault, 71 have credit reports so bad they reportedly can not qualify for a credit card, 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges, eight have been arrested for shoplifting, 21 are current defendants in lawsuits, and just in 1998, 84 were stopped for drunk driving, but released after they claimed congressional immunity. Such are the men and women who have sworn a sacred oath to "... preserve and protect the Constitution. ..."
The unnecessary tragedy of Waco is unraveling like a cheap rug. Janet Reno is metamorphosing from "I take full responsibility" to "Gosh, my subordinates lied to me. ... It's not really MY fault." Reno's pursuit for the truth of Waco is rivaled only by O.J.'s search for the "real" killers of Nicole and Ron. So how come a federal judge was required to resolve a dispute with the Texas Rangers over evidence? As the New York Times reported, "A federal judge was forced to intervene Friday after federal officials tried to block Texas Rangers from entering a Waco storage facility to search for evidence that pyrotechnic devices were fired at the Branch Davidian complex. That brief skirmish came the same day FBI officials in Washington released the second of two newly discovered aerial videotapes that include conversations between FBI commanders about the use of combustible teargas canisters."
Janet Reno should resign, be fired "with prejudice," impeached for either incompetence or conspiracy, or sued under Title 18, Chapter 13, Section 242, which addresses the subject of deprivation of rights under color of law:
Last week the FBI finally uncovered a Feb. 15, 1996 internal memo acknowledging they DID use a few military gas rounds. An anonymous FBI mouth said the memo stated no military teargas was fired "directly" at the compound "due to the potential for causing a fire." According to the General Accounting Office, the FBI had 50 40mm "illumination rounds" (flares) and 250 40mm "high explosive" rounds from the U.S. Army. What the hell was the FBI doing with H-E (high explosive rounds)? One official who spoke only on the condition he would not be identified said, "But why they had the H-E rounds, I don't know. ..."
Reno is now trying on the hat of victim. She said, "What I asked for were assurances -- and I received assurances -- that we would not use incendiary devices or pyrotechnic means of delivering incendiary devices." According to a tape released last Thursday, a radio transmission in which the FBI's hostage rescue team commander, Richard Rogers, granted permission for an agent to fire military tear-gas rounds at the bunker. Whoops! A second tape released the next day again confirmed the use of military canisters.
The Texas Rangers apparently have been trying to uncover facts, but although "One Riot ... one Ranger" may be sufficient, when taking on the obstructionists in Reno's Justice Department, a reasonable judge helps. "Agents from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms assigned to maintain custody of the evidence stockpile told the Rangers that their lawyers in Washington had ordered them to deny the Rangers entry."
Now the New York Times reports, "The Pentagon's elite Special Operations Command sent observers to the siege at the Branch Davidians compound in Texas more than a month before the final assault on the compound, suggesting that military commandos had a far longer and closer involvement in the disastrous operation than previously divulged."
President Bill Clinton and his cover-up queen Reno are once again in deep kimchee. For years many of us have been suggesting Clinton/Reno specifically either violated Posse Comitatus (which prohibits the U.S. military from active involvement in domestic law enforcement), OR covertly issued a presidential waiver. Now the White House has consistently denied Clinton ever issued any such waiver. I don't buy it. I spent 20 years in the military, active duty, National Guard, and reserve. I have commanded a Special Forces Operational Detachment and a Military Police Company. I've served on staffs at Battalion, Brigade and Division levels. I encountered a wide spectrum of officers, some with huge egos and poor judgment. However, even the most arrogant, myopic, venial, and intellectually challenged officer would never do what was done at Waco without a "get out of jail card" from some higher up. Maybe in an isolated jungle, or remote mountain, but not in Waco, Texas with TV cameras pointed at them.
It has been said that newspapers offer the first draft of history. The Waco tragedy will eventually become a significant scar on the history of the '90s. The second draft of the Waco incident will differ from the first product. When Congress sticks its finger into the wind of popular sentiment they may well discover what many of us have known for years. Obstruction of Justice, abuse of power under the color of authority, media manipulation, obfuscation, and lies are five dogs that won't hunt.
the coming months you can anticipate scapegoats, whistleblowers, assorted
resignations, attempts to delay, stall, divert, and perhaps, maybe, even
an eventual epiphany or two.