have s.o.b.'s (supporters of Bill) fought so very hard to preclude the
Secret Service from testifying? A baker's dozen of judges from Chief U.S.
District Judge Norma Holloway Johnson to Supreme Court Chief Justice William
Rehnquist have all ruled that there is no such thing as "protective function
privilege." Judge after judge has ruled they are "NOT convinced that compelling
Secret Service personnel to testify before a grand jury regarding evidence
of a crime would place presidents at peril." Yet notwithstanding the overwhelming
consonance of the courts, Clinton's defenders of the indefensible continue
to assert all those judges are wrong. Why continue the fight? In the wake
of the long list of Clinton crimes (real and perceived) it is ironic that
the character flaw of a garbage mouth could prove more fatal to a president
than perjury, suborning perjury, obstruction of justice, abuse of power,
campaign finance abuse, trading military secrets, and giving aid and comfort
to the enemy. Go figure. The Secret Service may be run by an s.o.b. The
Secret Service is a subsidiary of the Treasury Department which is run
by an s.o.b.. However, the rank and file agents frankly don't like the
man they are required to protect with their own lives. According to one
source, "These agents are sworn to protect the President, but it doesn't
mean they like him. In fact, most of the agents assigned to the President
can't stand him. They consider him to be a despicable human being." The
reason s.o.b.'s have fought tooth and nail to preclude agents close to
the president from testifying under oath is twofold: first, it is assumed
no Secret Service agent would perjure themselves to protect their charge;
and secondly, what they have heard can only reveal the dark low-rent character
of the man. Reportedly, agents have often heard the president discuss (in
graphic terms) his fondness for certain types of sexual activity. One agent
allegedly said Monica Lewinsky "could suck a tennis ball through a garden
hose." "Before this mess began, Clinton would tell the agents protecting
him jokes about women and oral sex," reports one source. "Now, he doesn't
say a thing about sex, women, or anything personal." His discretion is
too little and too late. The president's tendency to discuss sex is the
real reason Clinton and all the s.o.b.'s are so frenetic about efforts
to put Secret Service agents under oath in front of a grand jury. "These
guys can place Monica Lewinsky alone with the president. They can verify
his comments about her oral skills, real or perceived, and they can verify
that the president of the United States often made crude remarks about
women." It has been reported from several sources that Clinton's crudeness
and rudeness made agents uncomfortable, especially when he would make comments
which could be and were overheard by a female agent. Several sources who
have had contact with Clinton affirm the observation of one who noted.
"He really has sex on his mind a lot and that comes out in his comments."
During the Paula Jones fiasco there were reports that over one hundred
women were on the list of potential witnesses. Obviously, the administration
does NOT want the tenor, or content of the president's casual remarks to
become a matter of record. The potential domino effect of cross checking
and verifying corroborating comments could/would become a public relations
nightmare that would make the previous "bimbo eruptions" seem like a pimple
on the butt of a flea. During one of those "rope line" incidents in which
then White intern Monica Lewinsky positioned herself in the forefront so
she could hug Clinton, one White House staffer called her a "fat cow."
Allegedly, the president laughed and turned to a Secret Service agent near
him and replied "... yeah, but with that vacuum cleaner mouth of hers,
who cares?" Later that same day, the agent reportedly asked to be reassigned.
An interesting sidebar to this report is that it was Clinton's brother
Roger who was captured on video tape during a drug sting (apparently referring
to his brother the governor's drug habits) saying his brother "... had
a nose like a Hoover." Consider the following scenario: Prosecutors ask
about the "rope line" incident. Agents are asked to confirm or deny the
incident. Prosecutors subpoena personnel records to review reassignments
of agents. Reassigned agents are subpoenaed and questioned regarding the
incident. See why Clinton, Reno, Rubin, et al, don't want Secret Service
agents to testify? Many have argued that the president's sex life is personal
and none of our business. However, these critics of critics refuse to accept
that the essence of this line of the Starr investigation, is really NOT
about sex. It is focused on perjury, suborning perjury, obstruction of
justice, and abuse of power. THAT is the reality. It is indeed strange
that it may well prove to be the perception of the president as a misogynist
pig which could ultimately be his John Dean.