26, 1998
take on the scandal story
1998 WorldNetDaily.com
are two Thomas Jefferson quotes I feel compelled to share with you. "If
a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and
never will be...The people cannot be safe without information. Where the
press is free, and every man is able to read, all is safe". He also noted
that "The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man
who reads nothing but the newspapers." Last week in this space (two days
before the stuff hit the fan, and two days after having read Matt Drudges
Report)) I wrote of Newsweeks spiking the Michael Isikoff story which would
have introduced the country to Monica Lewinsky. Now that the nation has
caught fire with the controversy several elements are kinda interesting.
Isikoff has reported that it was Ken Starr's office that asked his bosses
to sit on the story in order to by time to pressure, and hopefully, compel
Lewinsky to collect the ultimate evidence on Clinton.
intimation has been that Newsweek actually assisted the administration
by leaking the story to the Washington Post (although Matt Drudge was two
days ahead of them).
controllers are attempting to diminish any sexual impropriety as no big
deal. Failing to acknowledge the real concerns over suborning perjury and
obstruction of Justice.
of the callers to my talk show have noted that military officers have been,
and are being, kicked out for fraternization, and/or lying. In all cases
the essence of honor, trust and access to nuclear weapons and poor judgement
are common themes.
the President and Vernon Jordan have made carefully (albeit poorly) worded
statements denying any wrongdoing.
was inevitable but the defenders of the indefensible are shocked and amazed
that anyone would dare attack the man who sits in the Oval Office. One
caller actually suggested it was unpatriotic.
Roosevelt once said, "Patriotism means to stand by the county. It does
NOT mean to stand by the President or any other public official save exactly
to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic
to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic
not to oppose him to the exact extend that by inefficiency or otherwise
he fails in his duty to stand by the country." Most reasonable people acknowledge
that there should not be a rush to judgement unless or until all the significant
facts are known. However, far from being a "rush to judgment" this apparent
national epiphany is the product of one of the longest stalls in public
awareness (with the possible exception of alleged CIA drug involvement).
Bill Clinton is, and has been known to be a philanderer. Notwithstanding
legal semantics and rhetorical hair splitting, we already know:
Clinton has been unfaithful to his wife.
Clinton has lied about his infidelity. Note: His nationally televised protestations
regarding Gennifer Flowers, and now reports of admitting the relationship
under oath in a sworn deposition.
Clinton has instructed former paramours to lie about their intimate relationships.
Even the networks are replaying the tape of Clinton telling Flowers to
deny everything.
obstruction of justice, abuse of power under the color of authority are
not anomalies for the Clinton administration or for Bill Clinton. A long
list of growing evidence suggests that rather than the exception, lying,
obstruction, and abusing power are the rule, standing operating procedure
for Clinton. Charles Caleb Colton once noted, "He that is good, will infallibly
become better, and he that is bad, will as certainly become worse, for
vice and virtue and time are three things that never stand still."