Mike McCurry has taken to refusing to answer any questions sparked by reports
originating from cyberspace gadfly Matt Drudge. According to the Drudge
Report, Newsweek magazine reportedly spiked (refused to publish) the Michael
Isikoff story revealing details of a White House intern alleged sexual
affair with the President of the United States. Does any reasonable person
still believe there is not complicity between the mainstream press and
the one-worlders to control and propagandize what he American people see,
hear or read? The Drudge Report writes "Michael Isikoff developed the story
of his career, only to have it spiked by top Newsweek suits hours before
publication. A young woman, 23, sexually involved with the love of her
life, the President of the United States, since she was a 21 year old intern
at the White House. She was a frequent visitor to a small study just off
the Oval Office where she claims to have indulged the president's sexual
preference. Reports of the relationship spread in White House quarters
and she was moved to a job at the Pentagon, where she worked until last
week." Drudge reports "The young intern wrote long love letters to President
Clinton, which she delivered through a delivery service. She was a frequent
visitor at the White House afater midnight, where she checked in the WAVE
logs as visiting a secretary named Betty Curry, 57." According to Drudge,
tapes of intimate phone conversations exist." However, despite the inevitability
of this story eventually erupting through the false calm of Presidential
waters like a cruise missle, Mike McCurry and the legions of quislings
continue to defend the indefensible by trying (struggling) to ignore the
obvious..."the King has no clothes", or at least is caught with his trousers
around his ankles. In June of 1991, David Rockefeller, speaking at a Bilderberger
meeting in Baden Baden, Germany, was reported to have said: "We are grateful
to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great
publiations whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their
promises of discretion for almost 40 years." He went on to explain: "It
would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the eworld if
we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But,
the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government.
The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers
is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past
centuries." By the way, that meeting was also attended by then Governor
Bill Clinton and Vice President Dan Quayle. The very day President Clinton
gave his precedent-setting deposition in front of accuser Paula Corbin
Jones regarding his alleged sexual harassment, Newsweek kills an exclusive
story, that despite efforts to delay and deny, has, and will echo in the
empty halls of justice ... unless or until the Presidential paramour eiher
commits suicide or is a victim of some "random" act of fatal violence.
For years now, I have been hopefully saying that eventually, inevitably,
somewhere, somehow, sometime, in the (please Lord) not too distant future,
mainstream media will pass that indistinct line of diminishing return.
Either as a function of shame (if they have any) or jealous territorial
imperative (that their perceived franchise has been usurped), mainstream
media will re-establish the credibility and integrity of the fourth estate.
Talk radio (of which I am an active participant) has been unable to shout
down the walls of elitist control. Perhaps the walls will be breached by
the collective banging of heads against walls of complicity by the hobbled
Isikoffs of media. Mike McCurry can continue to diminish his credibility
by refusing to answer questions his boss doesn't like. The mainstream media
Mafia can continue to vilify Chris Ruddy, Ambrose Evans Pritchard, Hugh
Sprunt, Patrick Knowlton, Trooper Larry Patterson, Joe Farah and any and
all who ask questions which should have been answered long ago. However,
truth is pure. Like waters of a great river, you can dam it (or in this
case damn it), but it WILL find a crack in the topography, OR it will make
one. The truth WILL be told.