The most recent Labor Day-weekend meeting at the United Nations -- with 168 world leaders all in one place -- was the largest gathering of its kind in world history. Yet, very little in-depth news coverage accompanied the historic meeting, even though its over-arching purpose was to help further a globalist agenda that many see as dangerous to America's and other nations' sovereignty.
Ted Flynn has written "Hope of the Wicked: The Master Plan to Rule the World", which details many of the agendas of the "globalist community." It explores the convergence, on a global basis, of multinational corporations, foundations and the political and sociological instruments that would form a one-world government designed to bring about a New World Order. With 550 pages of text, 82 photographs and 1,200 footnotes, Flynn's book provides a strong historical basis to show that there is a global elite working to end the sovereignty of nations and to place every person on earth under the authority of the United Nations.
By Geoff Metcalf Question: Is there a conspiracy to rule the world?
Answer: In my opinion it is not a conspiracy. When you defuse this question, the rest just seems to fall into place.
Q: Do you say it is not a conspiracy because it is out in the open for everyone to see?
A: The answer is yes and no.
Q: What are you -- a politician?
A: Sometimes. My favorite color is plaid. I live in Washington, D.C. As I said, once you deal with your first question, things fall more neatly into place. Let’s look at it because then you will understand the social, the political, the economic, the financial and a lot of other structures.
Q: Let me just note this is a big book -- over 500 pages. There is no way we can or want to cover everything in the book. However, I do want to give our readers an overview of what you do include.
A: True. If we took a cross-country ride starting in Boston and ending up in Seattle, we wouldn’t have been able to even touch all the minutiae. But when you understand the general overview, everything falls more neatly into place. The word conspiracy in Latin is "conspirae" and that means to "breathe together."
In life, there are associations -- there are 60,000 associations in the Council of Associations in D.C. -- from Neighborhood Watch to whatever. Then there are cartels -- like OPEC -- where you see what they can do with oil so that they can control and set the price. Seven Merchants of Grain -- a very, very powerful organization -- they are a cartel but we don’t hear much about them.
Then you get into the concept of what is a conspiracy and you look at things that are easier to understand when you see that it is a shared system or ideology. There are people who share the same ideals. That’s what we saw played out in Florida to where there was a battle -- literally for the soul of America -- which played out in Palm Beach but took place in a lot of other places. There were not people really conspiring on a ballot level, but what we saw were some people wanting to push an agenda forward as the way they saw the world should work.
Q: Not unlike the Chinese and their plans for hegemony?
A: Same thing. Everybody has a bit of an agenda. Now you have people who are maybe on the left who would say the people on the right are "extreme" -- a constitutionalist, a John Birch Society member -- where they will marginalize you for your view. That’s actually their strategy.
Q: Rather like how we attempt to marginalize those on the left for their socialist-fascist agenda?
A: Actually the extreme left and the extreme right are very, very similar because what they are really after is control. The point of this book is it is not about left or right. Because whether you have a Democrat or a Republican in office, by and large the New World Order will continue to emerge. They each have an agenda and that agenda is about control. It goes back more to human nature.
Q: There is little argument among most people that there is some group of controllers, some global collection of folks who are trying to move us in one direction toward one-world government. The names we keep hearing are the Bilderbergers, the Trilateralists, the Council on Foreign Relations -- and a lot of these people are the same people. Can you explain who the players are and who really is trying to orchestrate this globalist agenda?
A: We are now going to another level of an organization -- beyond the Palm Beach voter. There is no doubt when you look at the formation of the Council on Foreign Relations -- which at the turn of the century was a by-product of a group of people in England at something called the Tavistock Institutem, which was part of the Royalists Institute of Foreign Affairs.
This is a very important connection. They realized it was very important to control America. They had to export and form, in essence, clubs. Because when you are at the very, very elite level, when you are at the banking level, the height of manufacturing, it doesn’t take anyone to be in the world too long or to be too old to realize that money makes the world go 'round, and money is the root of all evil.
Q: Rothchild hit the nail on the head. He didn’t care who runs the country.
A: He just said whoever prints the money will control it. So now you’re back to the issue of control. Neither left nor right is relevant. It’s a very important point in this -- because the Tavistock Institute said in the 1890s it was very important for the American people to 'think' they were electing a president. And, therefore, it was very good to have balance of power shift left and right, right and left, left and right -- whatever.
Q: Perception versus reality!
A: Because it doesn’t make a difference really who we get. Now does it make a difference on certain issues? Certainly, yes. But with Bush, we’re going to get more corporatization -- we’re going to get much more government largess going to corporations. And with Gore we would have had a much more socialistic agenda. The global elite really don’t care. We voted for who was put in front of us. Take a look at that. The Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderbergers, Club of Rome, Trilateral -- the same names go in and out -- it’s a revolving door. Correct?
Q: Absolutely. I was really disappointed a few years ago when I was in London. Dr. John Coleman is a big proponent of the Committee of 300 as the supreme controllers and he had mentioned to me "The Fabian Society." I was driving down the street and saw this little single door: "The Fabian Society."
A: I went to the London School of Economics. I saw a lot about it.
Q: It is a tiny, apparently insignificant nothing that allegedly wields a whole lot of power.
A: I never understood this when I was there but the symbol of the school is a turtle. This is very, very important. The communists believe that the way to change society is through an in-your-face revolution.
Q: "... through the barrel of a gun."
A: Correct. The socialists believe that is very wrong. They have a great difference of opinion on implementing policy. Therefore they have the thing of the turtle.
Q: The old joke or axiom was, "The difference between a communist and a socialist is a communist is a socialist in a hurry."
A: The socialists believe the best way to change a culture, a civilization, a way of thinking, is to infiltrate and begin to move as a member of the aristocracy, as a member of that group and infiltrate from within and use those principles. That was perfected by a man in Italy named Antonio Gramsci. The concept of infiltrating and changing from within is the socialist mentality to get where you want to go.
Q: That infiltrating of societies is really kind of a prelude to the application of incrementalism, right?
A: Right. You know: Inch-by-inch, everything is a cinch. There is an agenda here because there is a way of thinking. If we were to go to a very, very elite level -- which would be the spiritual level because all physical law is subordinate to that -- when Christ was being tempted Satan himself came to visit him and he said, "All of the power in the world is mine to give you."
Now this book intentionally did not get into the spiritual aspects of this because, by and large, I don’t think most people pay attention to that and most people kinda glaze over. But there is spiritual reality. I find that many of the believing people can really grab this material. Because they understand the principle that we are spiritual beings. If you take a look at: Is there a God? I believe the answer is yes. What is His form of government? Throughout the world His form of government is the Church -- through good people.
Q: Is there a Satan?
A: I think the answer is yes. What are Satan’s instruments for implementation in governments? Nobody can answer these questions until you can begin to come to those -- that’s what we explore in this book. All of the different entities -- that I do not believe are satanic by any stretch -- have an agenda that is not necessarily that of God.
Q: When you talk about the intrusion of the United Nations agenda, a lot of people tend to say, "Hey, the United Nations -- it doesn’t affect me --- I don’t care." However, they don’t realize how insidious the tentacles are -- and how far-reaching they are. Right now, they are talking about a global tax, a global court -- they are trying to put together a global army -- none of that stuff is coincidental.
A: That’s exactly right. If you look at the charter of the United Nations -- and you had a lobotomy -- you would say, "Gee that looks really great." A lot of it even looks good on paper -- it’s like communism." The 18-year-old goes off to college and suddenly takes a course on communism and they think we should all be communists because it works on paper. However, it just doesn’t work in the marketplace. It just doesn’t work out there.
Q: And a lot of these same allegedly intelligent people when faced with the reality that it has never worked anywhere keep saying, "Yeah, but that’s just because they haven’t done it right yet."
A: Exactly right. I remember the first time I went into Eastern Europe, I was in school as an undergraduate in Europe. I went into Czechoslovakia and I said, "Oh my God! How did they buy this lie?" Then from 1990 to 1994, I was going into the Soviet Union on business -- these were Third-World nations with armies. They were Fourth-World nations the way they lived -- no toilets or indoor plumbing -- it was unbelievable the way they were living in parts of Ukraine and Russia. It looked good on paper.
This is what the United Nations is -- they are selling the people of the world a bill of goods. We already just got a World Court -- Clinton put us into the Hague for a World Court. We’re marching down a path of globalization, one-world government, a New-World order. It’s not emerging -- it’s actually here with a vengeance already. Due to the incrementalism of year-by-year, decade-now-after-decade, we don’t even know that we’re numb anymore. We have been sold a bill of goods so strenuously, so stridently, so perfectly -- we are dealing here on a level of unadulterated genius.
Q: Ted, can you talk briefly to the symbiotic connection between the "New-Age" movement, environmentalism, and the Gaia religion thing they are peddling?
A: They are all tied in.
Q: That’s why I lumped them together in one question.
A: I have to tell you -- the reason I did the book is I’ve been studying this, observing, watching it. But it wasn’t one of these fascinations where I’d turn on the light and read every night about things happening in stealth and as you say "bump in the night." It was just something that I observed from travelling, from watching, from reading. And you see things year after year and you begin to put things together.
Several years ago, my daughter had a thesis that they had to deliver at the school she was at. She chose "Germany, 1900 to 1939" -- the day Hitler marched into Poland -- and "The United States from 1960 to 1997." When I saw a series of tapes (which is why she did this subject) the similarities between Germany and the United States were so parallel, it was absolutely frightening. That’s when I decided I needed to do the book.
Q: And a lot of that isn’t by accident. I’ve done the exercise and I keep threatening I’ll write the piece and haven’t done it yet. But if you take the U.S. Declaration of Independence -- in which they list all the grievances the founders had against King George and make a parallel list of the grievances we have against our federal government -- you find yourself scratching your head and asking, "When are they going to ride?"
A: Civilizations go in cycles. There is a lot of research here. This book has 1,200 footnotes and several thousand total quotes. This is really where the world leaders -- the prime ministers, the secretaries of treasury, the secretaries of state of the world -- really want to bring the world. The heads of government, philanthropy, business, on a global basis, wish to bring it -- and this is in their words.
Q: The reality check is, as insidious as this is, as ubiquitous as it is, the ability to arrest it, to stop it, to unplug it is just about insurmountable, isn’t it?
A: Well, it is insurmountable because this is going to run a path and if there is one single point in the book that is probably the most fascinating, it is really the part that you just addressed about the New-Age movement. The point about Germany is that New Age, environmentalism, and, in essence, Gaia, is that civilization began to do what is right in their own eyes.
Q: Slow down a tad. You know what I was talking about, and I know what I’m asking, but some readers are going to ask, "What the heck is 'Gaia'?" Gaia is the earth ...
A: The mother goddess ...
Q: The earth as mother goddess. That is the focus, the nexus of this new-world religion.
A: And what happened is a lot of this country began to move into New Age and environmentalism where earth becomes supreme. I think we should respect the earth and all of its minerals and be good stewards of it. But it’s another thing to really bow down and worship it versus man being given dominion of it. There comes responsibility with that -- there comes respect -- but they bring it to another level.
This concept here is so fascinating that it makes your head spin. You used the word "insurmountable." Let's take a look at 22 great civilizations as traced by a litany of the great historians of the world. This was broken down on one page in what I call the "Three-Legged Stool" and America's empire collapses from within.
Every civilization with no exception -- the Mesopotamians, Greeks, Romans, French, British, Spain -- the first step is bondage. But we won’t elaborate on this.
Q: No need. We’ve done plenty of shows and interviews on the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service.
A: Yeah, but the point is, in bondage, the people are subject to an authority other than themselves. The next phase -- and the immigrant classes can really understand this -- is they come to a spiritual faith where they develop an identity through faith in God and come to have a purpose. The next is courage. They develop a sense of where they need to go to further themselves as a race -- they venture out, breaking away from the shackles of their bondage. The next is freedom -- they gain freedom and self rule -- hard work and a sense of fulfillment bring an identity to the civilization.
Q: Then they flush it away?
A: Exactly right. Well not quite yet, but we’re getting there. Then laws are made to govern themselves. Now as a result of the hard work and freedom -- think about the United States at the turn of the century. Then we come into abundance. Hard work, identity, self-gratification and accomplishment bear fruit. Risk over generations becomes worthwhile. Now we are on the decline. That’s the zenith of the culture -- the abundance. Think of the Sun Kings of France, the Victorian Age in England, maybe the height of the Roman Empire around the year 200.
Q: Then what happens?
A: Then you go into selfishness. Human nature forgets that it is God who grants favors and the lack of cooperation and aiding others less fortunate sets in as creature comforts are sought. Now think of things like television, the inane, the callous, the stupidity, the banal -- night after night you are just fed absolute trash.
Q: What does that breed?
A: Apathy. Now you’ve got a cynical approach that sets in and the effort seems worthless. Take a look at kids. That’s what you see kids shooting kids about. They see no sense of identity and purpose -- no struggle, nothing worthwhile, nothing greater than themselves. In abundance there is no spiritual development -- thus, they lose their vision of the higher good. They become a spiritual wasteland.
Q: OK, so what is the last phase?
A: In the last phase, we have now come full circle. We have come to dependence. Tell me if this doesn’t sound like today? Laws cripple initiative. Answers are looked for in all the wrong places. There is no sense of purpose in life as ease of lifestyle is sought and the civilization is conquered from without or decays from within. They are back to walking the road of bondage but they may not even realize it.
Q: As evidenced by these technological efforts to undermine privacy through computer chips and satellites. I did a story a few weeks ago where they are now talking about putting digital tracking devices on product.
A: Yeah, I actually have that in the book. It’s, in essence, a form of GPS which is so, so cheap. And you’ll know actually by who bought that -- they’ve got to track the credit card to every single product bought.
Q: It costs about a buck a unit now. When they get it down to a penny a unit -- and that will happen -- these digital tags will replace the bar code.
A: Yeah, and if you think the government and entities have any sort of statistical profiles on any person, wait until you see where that stuff is going to take us. After the book came out, I was ashamed I couldn’t get this in it, but I saw a quote in the Washington Times where the head of what was called the Privacy Council in Canada quit. Maybe he was a little bit of an historian to boot because he said, "I can no longer go ahead with what the government of Canada is doing." This is the president of the Privacy Council of the great country of Canada, and he said, "We have 1,200 bits of information on every living Canadian. This can be no good in the long term."
Q: It doesn’t take long to see how easy that is for a government today.
A: FICA, Medicare, Medicaid, State, Federal, your credit cards, your banks, your purchases. Anybody who thinks the junk mail coming to your home is junk needs to understand it really isn’t -- it is extremely targeted information.
Q: What do they call that?
A: It is called data mining.
Q: Please explain what FEMA is. What is their authority and what is their job?
A: The Federal Emergency Management Agency is probably going to be the enforcement arm of the New-World Order. Very few people could tell you that it is actually a cabinet position. By and large, a great percentage of their budget is "black ops." It’s really not on the books. You only hear of them a little bit when there are disasters. But there is a great agenda to gather information for the government in stealth.
Q: I found it significant when Rep. Henry Gonzalez, D-Texas, clarified the question of the existence of civilian detention camps. In an interview a few years ago, he said, "the truth is yes -- you do have these standby provisions, and the plans are here ... whereby you could, in the name of stopping terrorism ... evoke the military and arrest Americans and put them in detention camps." They do exist.
A: They do. There are actually three levels of information on people. I believe it is Red, Green and Blue. And they keep data on different citizens. However to a person who has been studying this that is almost on an elementary level. The government has been doing that for years. When you look at a person's buying patterns -- or looking at "Carnivore" and the FBI or CIA and different agencies who gather information on an individual through either their e-mail and where they’re leaving "cookies" and buying patterns and what they subscribe to -- it’s actually pretty simple stuff today.
Q: And this isn’t something that just happened with "Carnivore." Go back and look at "Echelon" -- that thing has been around 50 years.
A: Actually it is illegal in the United States to gather information.
Q: Ted, that’s why and how the UK-USA treaty came about. Governments knew it was illegal so they said, "OK guys -- England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand -- we will spy on your subjects, you spy on our citizens, and we’ll then get together and trade information. But we won’t be breaking the law (wink-wink/nod-nod).
A: That’s right with contracts. In fact I put a picture in of the Northern England Echelon farm. I was even surprised 60-Minutes did a study on Echelon not too long ago. The data is beamed from England to New Zealand and then is brought in here through a contractor -- which means it is all done off-budget.
Q: I wrote a piece on Echelon for WorldNetDaily in April of '98 and it sparked over 500 e-mails in two days.
A: This book was designed really as a bit of an overview. There are 24 chapters and each one is maybe a spoke. We’ve got stuff on the world court, FEMA, privacy, the United Nations, Gaia, the feminist movement, radical feminism, radical environmentalism, the Heritage sites, biospheres, etc. What it shows is that we are very far down the path of this New-World Order / one-world government / globalization -- treaties, tariffs -- President Clinton alone had put troops in 13 foreign nations and dispersed the U.S. military to 13 nations without a single vote from Congress.
Q: Let’s revisit your three-legged stool.
A: The goal of the New-World Order is to cripple the strength of the United States -- economically, politically, socially, and financially.
Q: Why? Why is that a goal?
A: We are the 900-pound gorilla and the sole remaining superpower. The goal of the one-world government people, the global elite, is to have a ruling class, a military class, and a working class. This is the Utopia of Plato. This gets into the political philosophy of why the global elite -- the illumined ones -- are trying to transform society. Because they believe they’ve got a better way to make civilization better.
They have to bring us down militarily. That has happened. They have to ruin our schools to dumb us down. That has happened. These are not arguable points. They are non-negotiable in terms of what has happened decade-by-decade -- probably since the 1950s, after World War II.
A: What do you see the next phase objective to be?
Q: I believe the next phase is to destroy us economically. It’s going to be the last phase. I believe we are literally in the middle of that now.
Q: I was recently speaking with Joan Veon and she said much of the bad economic groundwork is already completed. Joan tells us soon there will be three global currencies. There will be a Dollar, a Euro and a Yen. Which is a short step away from getting to one global currency.
A: Now you’re talking to what Stalin said. He said the way to control was to break up into regions. Now he had quite a long stretch -- from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok -- which is 13 time zones. Think about it! It’s like from Boston to Perth Australia. He realized the way to control was through regions. What did the United Nations do? They busted up the world into what they call ten regions. The United States has ten regions. That is, in essence, the goal of the Trilateral Commission. From Canada to Terra del Feugo: one region -- "The Americas."
Q: We’ve already seen the start of that through NAFTA. Veon talks about the "American States" thing that sucks in 32 countries which will be "The America."
A: That’s back into the bigger agenda. All the way from Argentina to Canada. That’s one sphere. The next is from Ireland to the Urals. The rest is the Asian Theater. Now you have your "Trilateral." What’s happening? January 1, 2002, the Euro (European currency unit) begins to go in force and it will be traded over a three-year period commensurate with the currency of the existing country that is a member of the common market. But, in three years, the other currency -- not the ECU -- will be phased out. The Lira, the Franc, the Pound -- everything will be phased out. That is going to happen -- not without some difficulty -- but year-by-year, decade-by-decade.
Q: Again, through incrementalism, they are achieving their objectives.